It was a great day on the course. Here are the results - due to an error in the course setup the bike course was 9.5 miles instead of 12 so adjust your times accordingly if you want to normalize your performance over the series. The women dominated on this event finishing first and second - nice work ladies!
LVTriClub Race #4 Results
Lake Mead # Athletes: 33
Rank Bib Name Time Swim Bike Run
1 33 Cicely Valenti 01:02:13 (4) 00:11:13 (3) 00:28:50 00:40:03 (1) 00:22:09
2 32 Reenie Griffin 01:06:01 (3) 00:11:12 (2) 00:28:44 00:39:57 (8) 00:26:03
3 28 Victor Rodriguez 01:06:15 (9) 00:12:22 (1) 00:27:45 00:40:08 (10) 00:26:07
4 12 Tasha Purcell 01:06:45 (1) 00:10:42 (10) 00:31:58 00:42:41 (3) 00:24:04
5 22 Patrick Burkhardt 01:08:00 (13) 00:13:13 (6) 00:31:03 00:44:16 (2) 00:23:43
6 11 Ben Keller 01:08:32 (5) 00:11:58 (8) 00:31:50 00:43:49 (5) 00:24:43
7 31 Joe Carter 01:09:08 (2) 00:11:09 (4) 00:29:20 00:40:29 (15) 00:28:38
8 24 Eric Molfetta 01:11:16 (11) 00:13:08 (7) 00:31:48 00:44:56 (12) 00:26:19
9 6 Susan Dreihaupt 01:12:05 (12) 00:13:10 (12) 00:32:35 00:45:45 (11) 00:26:19
10 16 Geoffrey Hall 01:12:42 (21) 00:14:56 (13) 00:32:55 00:47:51 (6) 00:24:51
11 27 Todd Schleusner 01:13:01 (7) 00:12:11 (5) 00:30:31 00:42:42 (19) 00:30:18
12 10 Kevin Boyles 01:13:34 (15) 00:13:35 (16) 00:34:29 00:48:05 (7) 00:25:29
13 1 Bob Rynda 01:16:24 (32) 00:19:45 (11) 00:32:11 00:51:57 (4) 00:24:26
14 29 Shannon Johnson 01:16:30 (8) 00:12:17 (18) 00:35:13 00:47:30 (17) 00:28:59
15 21 Sue White 01:17:03 (22) 00:15:16 (14) 00:32:57 00:48:13 (16) 00:28:50
16 18 Rex Mitchell 01:18:07 (28) 00:17:04 (15) 00:33:15 00:50:19 (13) 00:27:47
17 3 Mark Dunaisky 01:18:42 (16) 00:13:41 (21) 00:36:28 00:50:10 (14) 00:28:31
18 8 Sue Phillips 01:19:33 (17) 00:14:16 (20) 00:35:32 00:49:49 (18) 00:29:44
19 2 Michael Connolly 01:19:38 (10) 00:12:43 (27) 00:40:50 00:53:33 (9) 00:26:04
20 5 Alison Sloat 01:21:07 (18) 00:14:22 (19) 00:35:18 00:49:41 (22) 00:31:26
21 20 Kay McKercher 01:22:04 (6) 00:12:08 (24) 00:37:52 00:50:01 (23) 00:32:03
22 9 Jeff Phillips 01:22:45 (20) 00:14:46 (17) 00:35:04 00:49:50 (25) 00:32:55
23 26 Jason Bello 01:23:57 (14) 00:13:29 (22) 00:36:33 00:50:02 (28) 00:33:54
24 15 Steve Waller 01:24:06 (33) 00:21:17 (9) 00:31:50 00:53:07 (21) 00:30:58
25 17 Kathryn Knapp 01:26:47 (27) 00:16:49 (23) 00:37:02 00:53:51 (26) 00:32:55
26 7 Jennifer Lugo 01:27:07 (26) 00:16:13 (26) 00:40:00 00:56:14 (20) 00:30:53
27 23 Huichi Olson 01:28:18 (19) 00:14:35 (25) 00:39:27 00:54:03 (29) 00:34:14
28 4 Kathy Degolia 01:32:15 (24) 00:16:04 (31) 00:42:25 00:58:30 (27) 00:33:45
29 13 Mary Payan 01:34:36 (30) 00:19:18 (29) 00:40:53 01:00:12 (31) 00:34:24
30 14 Raymond Payan 01:34:38 (31) 00:19:21 (28) 00:40:52 01:00:13 (30) 00:34:24
31 25 Virginia Valentine 01:34:41 (25) 00:16:05 (32) 00:46:11 01:02:17 (24) 00:32:24
32 30 Jade Bailey-Assam 01:36:33 (29) 00:17:30 (30) 00:41:25 00:58:56 (32) 00:37:37
33 19 Gail Buy NYF (23) 00:15:33 (33) 00:46:44 01:02:18
Here is the order of the kids finish - we decided not to post times this go-around.
Congratulations to the next generation and thank you parents for letting your kids participate!!!
Harrison Griffin
Andrew Schleusner
Alexis Almeido
Austin Almeido
Paige Hillegass
Monet Griffin
Autumn Valentine
Eric Arias
Aidan Bello
Salina Arias